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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vegetable Fried Rice

  • Rice - 2 cups
  • Butter or ghee - 4tsp
  • Oil - 2 tbsp
  • Cinnamon(Karugapatta) - 2 sticks
  • Cloves(Grambu) - 2 nos
  • Cardamom(Elakka) - 2 nos
  • Salt - As reqd
  • Water - 4 cups
  • Onions(large) - 2 nos
  • Ginger - 1 piece
  • Garlic pods - 4 nos chopped
  • Carrot(chopped) - 100 gm
  • Beans(chopped) - 100 gm
  • Cabbage(finely chopped) - 100 gm
  • Capsicum(chopped) - 1 no
  • Spring onion - 1/2 cup (optional)
  • Pepper (white) - 1 tsp
  • Soya sauce
  • Chilly sauce
1)Heat 2 tsp of butter and oil in a pan.

2)Add cinnamon and cloves.

3)Add the well cleaned rice and fry it.

4)Add 4 cups of water along with salt and cook it well.

5)Heat 2 tsp of butter in another pan.

6)Add chopped onions and stir it.

7)When it becomes brown, mix the ginger and garlic paste and stir, till it`s aroma comes.

8)Add chopped carrots, beans and cabbage and spring onion

9)Add required salt and white pepper. cook the vegetable until half cooked.

10)Add capsicum and fry for a minute.

11)Mix cooked rice and stir it well on a low flame.

12)Mix well with soya sauce and chilly sauce.

13) Garnish with coriander or fried onion on top.

Serve with hot.

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