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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Potato Curry
Potato – 4 Nos (Medium size)
Onion – 1 Big
Curry leaves – few
Sambar powder – 1 tablespoon
Turmeric powder – 1/4teaspoon
Salt – 1 teaspoon
Oil – 2 tablespoon
Mustard – ½ teaspoon
Urad dhal – 1 teaspoon
Asafotida powder - a pinch

Pressure cook the potatos till soft. Remove the skin and cut it into medium size pieces.
Chop the onion finely.
In a pan put the oil and when it is hot add mustard. When it pops up add asafotida powder, urad dhal and fry till it become light brown. Add the chopped onion and curry leaves and fry till onion turns transparent. Add potato pieces. Sprinkle turmeric powder, sambar powder and salt. Mix gently and ensure the sambar powder coat well on the potatos. Keep the stove low and stir the potatos now and then till the potato curry changes its colour to a light brown.

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